Results for 'Scott La Barge'

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  1.  56
    H. Thesleff: Studies in Plato’s Two-Level Model. Pp. vi + 143. Helsinki: The Finnish Society of Sciences and Letters, 1999. Paper. ISBN: 951-653-298-5. [REVIEW]Scott La Barge - 2000 - The Classical Review 50 (2):623-623.
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    Le problème de la métamérie considérations générales.J. A. J. Barge - 1937 - Acta Biotheoretica 3 (3):213-220.
    The author deals with the meaning of metamerism. Two contrary points of view may serve to clear the problem. From the morphological point of view probably outgrowth of the organism in longitudinal direction has led to the development of metameres. So the first segmentation is due to a functional differentiation. In Phylogeny this segmentation has been maintained and the originally developed metameres remain the primary morphotic units of the organisms. Further specialising of function and organ-concentration destroyed the original absolute metamerism (...)
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    Pour un Québec vert et bleu: le virage vert, l'économie et la gouvernance.Scott McKay - 2013 - [Québec, Québec]: Presses de l'Université Laval.
    Nos societes ont evolue au cours du XXe siecle selon un mode de developpement qui n'est tout simplement pas viable a long terme et qui provoquera de graves crises environnementales. Nous faisons presentement face au defi crucial de la survie de l'humanite, nous en sommes de plus en plus conscients. Aussi, mon propos ne consistera pas a enumerer toutes les catastrophes ecologiques qui nous menacent si nous persistons dans la voie du developpement non durable. Je veux plutot soulever une serie (...)
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    Ciencia y economía.Andrés Barge-Gil & Aurelia Modrego Rico - 2009 - Arbor 185 (738):757-766.
    La relación entre ciencia y economía es un tema de gran actualidad, atrae la atención tanto en el mundo científico como en el empresarial y el político. El principal objetivo de este trabajo consiste en mostrar de forma sintética el estado del arte sobre esta cuestión. Para ello, se presenta el análisis de la ciencia realizado por los economistas, prestando especial atención a las controversias existentes entre la perspectiva neoclásica y evolucionista, se repasa la evidencia empírica existente a partir de (...)
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  5. La Eucaristía Y La Justicia Social.M. Scott - 2010 - Revista Agustiniana 51 (156):856.
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    R. D. Laing as Negative Thinker.Scott Bortle - 2001 - Janus Head 4 (1):4-1.
  7. La réparation des dommages de guerre.W. R. Scott - 1916 - Scientia 10 (20):14.
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  8. « La Morale Sensitive » Dans L’essai Sur L’origine Des Langues De Rousseau Et Ses Sources.John Scott - 2006 - Etudes Jean-Jacques Rousseau 16.
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    La vérité en géométrie: sur le rejet mathématique de la doctrine conventionnaliste.Scott A. Walter - 1997 - Philosophia Scientiae 2 (3):103-135.
    The reception of Poincaré’s conventionalist doctrine of space by mathematicians is studied for the period 1891–1911. The opposing view of Riemann and Helmholtz, according to which the geometry of space is an empirical question, is shown to have swayed several geometers. This preference is considered in the context of changing views of the nature of space in theoretical physics, and with respect to structural and social changes within mathematics. Included in the latter evolution is the emergence of non-Euclidean geometry as (...)
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    Sartres Sozialphilosophie. Eine Untersuchung zur "Critique de la Raison Pratique I".M. J. Scott-Taggart & Klaus Hartmann - 1967 - Philosophical Quarterly 17 (68):273.
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  11. Une nouvelle affirmation de la rationalité.-II. L'ontologie de M. Polanyi.William T. Scott - 1972 - Archives de Philosophie 35 (2):245.
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  12. An edge discussion of beyond belief: Science, religion, reason and survival salk institue, la jolla november 5-7, 2006.Scott Atran - unknown
    An Edge Discussion of BEYOND BELIEF: Science, Religion, Reason and Survival Salk Institue, La Jolla November 5-7, 2006.
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    (1 other version)Francis Hutcheson: his life, teaching, and position in the history of philosophy.William Robert Scott - 1900 - Bristol, England: Thoemmes Press.
    The main aim of this work was initially a modest one, 'to collect information as to the main facts of Hutcheson's life in Dublin prior to his appointment as Professor at Glasgow'. As the materials grew, however, and Scott's interest in Hutcheson deepened, the planned article expanded into a book that has since become the standard biography. The emphasis throughout is on the development of Hurcheson's thought in the context of an ongoing debate with his contemporaries.
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    Patočka, Barbaras, and The Movement of Existence Le mouvement de l'existence: Études sur la phénoménologie de Jan Patočka.Scott Davidson - 2009 - Research in Phenomenology 39 (3):448-454.
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    Metaphorical Transcendence: Notes on Levinas's Unpublished Lecture on Metaphor.Scott Davidson - 2015 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 29 (3):366-375.
    ABSTRACT In his published work, Levinas only mentions metaphor for the sake of dismissing its relevance to his ethics of transcendence. Metaphor is aligned with the poetic imagery and the rhetorical devices that weave together an ontology of immanence, whereas transcendence is said to occur through an immediate encounter with the other. But Levinas's unpublished lecture “La Métaphore” is of interest precisely because it troubles this distinction through the notion of a “metaphorical transcendence.” Although Levinas abandons this terminology after his (...)
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    The Evolution of Food Security Governance and Food Sovereignty Movement in China: An Analysis from the World Society Theory.Scott Y. Lin - 2017 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 30 (5):667-695.
    Originating in a 1983 Mexican Government Program, the term ‘food sovereignty’ was coined in 1996 by La Via Campesina—a global peasant network—to address concerns within the civil society for food security. Rather than to accept the neoliberal framework of mainstream food security definition and governance, the food sovereignty movement seeks to view food security as the right of peoples to define their own food and agriculture systems with limited corporation intervention. As a result, food production should be geared toward the (...)
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  17. Essentialism in the Thought of Karl Marx.Scott Meikle - 1985 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 176 (1):129-130.
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    Boys-Specific Text-Comprehension Enhancement With Dual Visual-Auditory Text Presentation Among 12–14 Years-Old Students.Maria Jose Alvarez-Alonso, Cristina de-la-Peña, Zaira Ortega & Ricardo Scott - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Quality of language comprehension determines performance in all kinds of activities including academics. Processing of words initially develops as auditory, and gradually extends to visual as children learn to read. School failure is highly related to listening and reading comprehension problems. In this study we analyzed sex-differences in comprehension of texts in Spanish in three modalities presented to 12–14-years old students, native in Spanish. We controlled relevant cognitive variables such as attention, phonological and semantic fluency and speed of processing. Girls’ (...)
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    Supplement to the Paul Ricoeur Collection.Scott Davidson, John E. Drabinski, Michelle Huynh, Kris Sealey, Amina Taylor, Vanessa Gabler & Kari Johnston - 1991 - Bulletin de la Société Américaine de Philosophie de Langue Française 3 (3):227-234.
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  20. (1 other version)Encountering the animal other: Reflections on moments of empathic seeing.Scott D. Churchill - 2006 - Indo-Pacific Journal of Phenomenology: Methodology: Special Edition 6:p - 1.
    The ultimate challenge for psychology as a human science inheres in accessing the experience of the other. In general, the field of psychology has perpetuated the epistemological dualism of distinguishing between the realm accessible by external perception and the realm accessible by inner perception, and hence between the subjective and the objective , regarding the "first person" perspective as a legitimate means of access only to one's own private experience, while insisting that all others' experience must be observed from a (...)
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    L’Épreuve de la limite.Scott Davidson - 2004 - Bulletin de la Société Américaine de Philosophie de Langue Française 14 (1):105-109.
  22.  27
    Ordered subset linkage analysis supports a susceptibility locus for age-related macular degeneration on chromosome 16p12.M. B. Gorin, S. Schmidt, W. K. Scott, E. A. Postel, A. Agarwal, E. R. Hauser, M. A. De La Paz, Gilbert Jr, J. L. de WeeksHaines & M. A. Pericak-Vance - unknown
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    On the Ethics of Real-Life Examples of Argument.Scott F. Aikin - 2024 - Informal Logic 44 (3):323-338.
    Argumentation theorists know that their work has real-life application, and similarly, they draw inspiration for that work from real-life experiences. Sometimes, it comes from some public medium – the newspaper, a blog, a debate stage. But we also draw from more private reason-exchanges – a conversation with a neighbor, small-talk with a colleague, or a lovers’ spat. A few worries about publicly theorizing about those more private cases arise. We may be making public something that was unguarded, and so betray (...)
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  24.  60
    The Psychological Theory and Dead People.Scott Campbell - 2001 - Dialogue 40 (4):783.
    RÉSUMÉ: L’«argument de la mort» de David Mackie prétend montrer que le critère psychologique de l’identité personnelle ne peut pas être adéquat, vu que les cadavres sont des gens et ne sont pourtant pas dotés de psychologie. Mackie soutient que les tenants du critère psychologique ne peuvent pas se contenter d’affirmer que le terme «personne» désigne tout simplement quelque chose qui a nécessairement des capacités psychologiques, car ce serait là, prétend-il, commettre une pétition de principe à l’encontre de sa position. (...)
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  25.  72
    Merleau-Ponty And Deleuze Ask “What Is Philosophy?”: The Naïveté of Thought and the Innocence of the Question.David Scott - 2011 - Chiasmi International 13:259-283.
    Merleau-Ponty et Deleuze demandent « Qu’est-ce que la philosophie? »La naïveté de la pensée et l’innocence de la questionLa philosophie doit reconnaître que son obligation pressante à l’égard de « l’histoire souterraine du problème du monde » implique qu’elle affronte les conditions de sa propre détermination. En d’autres termes, l’historicité de la philosophie est l’histoire du « monde » en tant qu’il devient problématique. Mais ce devenir problématique « n’appartient pas à l’histoire ». Dans la pensée de Merleau-Ponty comme dans (...)
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  26. Une nouvelle affirmation de la rationalité. I. L'epistemologie de M. Polanyi.W. T. Scott - 1972 - Archives de Philosophie 35 (1):7-31.
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  27.  65
    Ensayos Sobre la Dialéctica. [REVIEW]Scott Davis - 1985 - The Owl of Minerva 17 (1):65-69.
    Professor Vásquez, who has produced Spanish translations of the Philosophy of Right and Marx’s Critique, continues, in this volume, the studies of his earlier Dialéctica y Derecho en Hegel. Originally a series of articles, in the Revista Venezolana de Filosofia, the chapter titles suggest a miscellany: two on Hegel’s critique of Kantian ethics, five commenting on the first four chapters of the Phenomenology, one on the relation of Hegel to Marx and a concluding chapter on the Kantian origins of the (...)
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  28.  55
    To Think Like God: Pythagoras and Parmenides: The Origins of Philosophy (review).Scott Austin - 2005 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 43 (4):481-482.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:To Think Like God: Pythagoras and Parmenides: The Origins of PhilosophyScott AustinArnold Hermann. To Think Like God: Pythagoras and Parmenides: The Origins of Philosophy. Las Vegas: Parmenides Publishing, 2004. Pp. xxx + 374. Cloth, $32.00.Mr. Arnold Hermann could presumably have used his connection with Parmenides Press to publish anything he wanted. Instead, he has put out a sober, bibliographically well aware, thesis about the origin, nature, and motivations (...)
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  29.  19
    Of Norms, Rules And Markets: A Comment On Samuels.Scott Beaulier & Peter Boettke - 2000 - Journal des Economistes Et des Etudes Humaines 10 (4):547-552.
    les détails relatifs à l’ordre spontané en attirant notre attention sur la réflexion sous-jacente qui se manifeste à travers tout ce processus évolutionnaire, ainsi que sur la nature de cet ordre spontané qui présente une dépendance de sentier. Le fait que la “magie” de l’ordre spontané ait été considérée comme un fait acquis a engendré une sorte de sous-investissement dans les recherches visant à approfondir la connaissance de ce qui anime les institutions émergentes “de l’action humaine mais non d’un dessein (...)
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  30. The Sociological Imagination of R. D. Laing.Susie Scott & Charles Thorpe - 2006 - Sociological Theory 24 (4):331 - 352.
    The work of psychiatrist R. D. Laing deserves recognition as a key contribution to sociological theory, in dialogue with the interactionist and interpretivist sociological traditions. Laing encourages us to identify meaningful social action in what would otherwise appear to be nonsocial phenomena. His interpretation of schizophrenia as a rational strategy of withdrawal reminds us of the threat that others can pose to the self and how social relations are implicated in even the most "private" and "internal" of experiences. He developed (...)
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    Understanding the Welby-Russell Correspondence.Scott Metzger - 2020 - Dialogue 59 (4):579-588.
    ABSTRACTA shallow reading of the 1905 correspondence between Victoria Welby and Bertrand Russell yields the impression that Welby has misunderstood Russell's “On Denoting.” I argue that a deeper reading reveals that Welby should be understood, not as misunderstanding Russell, but as bringing a pragmatic attitude to bear on Russell's theory of descriptions in order to expose the limits of his strictly logical analysis.RÉSUMÉUne lecture superficielle de la correspondance de 1905 entre Victoria Welby et Bertrand Russell donne l'impression que Welby a (...)
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    Pascal Duris . Traduire la science: Hier et aujourd'hui. 231 pp., illus., figs., index. Pessac: Maison des Sciences de l'Homme d'Aquitaine, 2008. €24. [REVIEW]Scott Mandelbrote - 2010 - Isis 101 (1):194-194.
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    Pourquoi La Poétique d’Aristote?: Diagogè, by Claudio William Veloso. [REVIEW]Gregory L. Scott - 2019 - Ancient Philosophy 39 (2):498-505.
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    Celse; ou le Conflit de la Civilisation Antique et du Christianisme Primitif. [REVIEW]E. F. Scott - 1926 - Journal of Philosophy 23 (25):698-699.
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    Respuesta a Ezcurdia y a Gómnez-Torrente.Scott Soames - 2004 - Critica 36 (108):83-114.
    Contra Ezcurdia, it is argued that my thesis --that substitution of coreferential names or indexicals in attitude ascriptions preserves truth values of propositions semantically expressed, although it often changes truth values of propositions asserted-- is compatible with the fact that belief ascriptions play important explanatory roles. Contra Gomez-Torrente, it is argued that although single-word natural kind terms are rigid in Kripke's original sense, natural kind predicates containing them are neither rigid nor obstinately essential --in the sense of applying to the (...)
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    Socrate prend-il au sérieux le paradoxe de ménon ?Dominic Scott - 1991 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 181 (4):627 - 641.
  37.  13
    (1 other version)Mario Gómez-Torrente (2020). Roads to Reference. [REVIEW]Scott Soames - 2022 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 37 (2):265-267.
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  38. Millenial Fantasies : The Future of “Gender” in the 21st Century.Joan Wallach Scott - 2010 - Clio 32:89-117.
    Le genre est-il encore une « catégorie utile » d’analyse? Cet article suggère qu’il a perdu son tranchant critique. Non seulement le genre est devenu un moyen banal et routinier de caractériser les différences entre les sexes mais il a également parfois empêché les féministes de s’intéresser aux importantes questions posées par les nouvelles recherches menées dans les domaines de la biologie et de la psychologie. L’auteur ne prétend pas qu’il faille éliminer le genre et les notions qui lui sont (...)
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    Ohio University Archives & Special Collection MS Collection #118 - 1940-1988.Scott Davidson, John E. Drabinski, Michelle Huynh, Kris Sealey, Amina Taylor, Vanessa Gabler & Kari Johnston - 1991 - Bulletin de la Société Américaine de Philosophie de Langue Française 3 (3):221-226.
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    Joan W. SCOTT, La citoyenne paradoxale : les féministes françaises et les droits de l'homme, Paris, Albin Michel, 1998, 286 pages (traduction française de Only Paradoxes to Offer. French Feminists and the Rights of Man, Harvard University Press, 1996. [REVIEW]Françoise Thébaud - 2000 - Clio 12.
    Historienne américaine, Joan Scott est connue en France pour ses travaux d'histoire ouvrière française et pour la réflexion qu'elle a développée depuis les années 1980 sur l'écriture de l'histoire des femmes et du genre. Théoricienne du gender nourrie de philosophie française (Lacan, Foucault, Derrida) et de critique littéraire féministe, elle a introduit dans l'écriture historique les positions post-structuralistes qui considèrent toutes les catégories d'analyse comme contextualisées,...
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    Five Reasons why Margaret Somerville is Wrong about Same-Sex Marriage and the Rights of Children.Scott Woodcock - 2009 - Dialogue 48 (4):867.
    ABSTRACT: In written work and a lecture at the 2008 Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences that was co-sponsored by the Canadian Philosophical Association, Margaret Somerville has claimed that allowing same-sex marriage is unethical because doing so violates the inherently procreative function of marriage and thereby undermines the rights and duties that exist between children and their biological parents. In my paper, I offer five reasons for thinking that Somerville’s argument for this conclusion is unpersuasive. In each case her (...)
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  42. The Time of Memory, coll. « SUNY Series in Contemporary Continental Philosophy ».Charles E. Scott - 2001 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 191 (1):132-133.
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    The Lives of Things.Charles E. Scott - 2002 - Indiana University Press.
    "Like Foucault and Levinas before him, though in very different ways, Scott makes an oblique incision into phenomenology... [it is] the kind of book to which people dazed by the specters of nihilism will be referred by those in the know." —David Wood "... refreshing and original." —Edward S. Casey In The Lives of Things, Charles E. Scott reconsiders our relationships with ordinary, everyday things and our capacity to engage them in their particularity. He takes up the Greek (...)
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  44. The technology of early overglaze enamels from the Chinese imperial and popular kilns= La technologie des premiers emaux sur glacure des fours chinois imperiaux et populaires.Pamela B. Vandiver, Anne Bouquillon, Rose Kerr & Rosemary Scott - 1997 - Techne: Vers Une Science de l'Heritage Culturel: Quelques Exemples de Laboratoires Etrangers= Techne: Towards a Science for Cultural Legacy: Some Examples From Laboratories Outside France 6:25-34.
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    French Cinema.Allen J. Scott - 2000 - Theory, Culture and Society 17 (1):1-38.
    The article opens with a brief discussion of the cultural economy of cities. A framework for investigating this phenomenon is then proposed, paying special attention to the interconnections between the system of production, its geographic milieu and the logistics of distribution. An overview of the structure and logic of the French film industry is laid out in which the fragmentation of production activities and labor markets is stressed. The policy system governing the French film industry is described in detail, and (...)
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    Modal Integration.Scott A. Shalkowski - 2012 - Philosophia Scientiae 16 (2):85-98.
    Chris Daly défend « l'explicationisme », la position selon laquelle l'inférence a la meilleure explication constitue une façon acceptable de justifier une théorie. Il la défend en tentant de justifier la position explicationiste par ses propres ressources, c'est-a-dire par elle-même. Je soutiens que dans le contexte de la métaphysique, cette défense échoue. L'explicationiste échoue à se justifier par ses propres ressources et l'une de ses premisses centrales ne peut pas être justifiée uniquement de façon externaliste.
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    Mourning and Subjectivity: From Bersani to Proust, Klein, and Freud.L. Scott Lerner - 2007 - Diacritics 37 (1):41-53.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Mourning and SubjectivityFrom Bersani to Proust, Klein, and FreudL. Scott Lerner (bio)Near the end of his recent essay “Psychoanalysis and the Aesthetic Subject,” Leo Bersani makes an unexpected conceptual turn, briefly adopting a vocabulary of “human destiny” [174]. Jacques Derrida made a similar move in 2003 when he dropped his guard, abandoning the language of critical exposition to point out, with uncharacteristic bluntness (“de façon plus crue” [18]), (...)
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    Is Our Consciousness Linguistic?Edmond Radar & R. Scott Walker - 1983 - Diogenes 31 (121):106-125.
    “Given the fact that the consciousness of man is a linguistic consciousness, all models superimposed on consciousness, including art, can be understood as secondary modeling systems, “ wrote Yuri Lotman in Introduction à la structure du texte artistique.
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  49. The Lives of Things.Charles E. Scott - 2004 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 194 (4):501-502.
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  50. Picturing Knowledge: Historical and Philosophical Problems Concerning the Use of Art in Science.Brian Scott Baigrie (ed.) - 1996 - University of Toronto Press.
    List of Illustrations Introduction 1 The Didactic and the Elegant: Some Thoughts on Scientific and Technological Illustrations in the Middle Ages and Renaissance 3 2 Temples of the Body and Temples of the Cosmos: Vision and Visualization in the Vesalian and Copernican Revolutions 40 3 Descartes’s Scientific Illustrations and ’la grande mecanique de la nature’ 86 4 Illustrating Chemistry 135 5 Representations of the Natural System in the Nineteenth Century 164 6 Visual Representation in Archaeology: Depicting the Missing-Link in Human (...)
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